Friday, November 6, 2015

nnmon 11 released by BİÇDA

nnmon is a central database and a web interface for the nmon program's data. It's completely free software and released under GPLv3.

The first version was ready on 10/25/2010 for internal use of my employer company and the first publicly released version was 0.4 with the date of 06/29/2011.

On the central database side, both many kinds of UNIXs can be used. It needs a Postgresql DB, python script environment and psycopg2 Phyton Postgresql module. Refer to the and INSTALL files for further information.

Client side is a simple Perl script which runs nmon in the file output mode and sends data to the server via TCP socket. It is tested on many versions of AIX, Solaris and different Linux distributions.

Web interface is a pure php application with a client tree on the left hand side and visual 2D graphs on the right.

For authentication it is possible to use two different LDAP (Active Directory) servers at the same time and user name based access list control from DB table is implemented and also documented in the INSTALL file.

For downloading the files use the command below or the package download URL.

git clone --branch v11.0

Git clone URL:
Download URL:

To begin the installation you must first read the INSTALL file.

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